Food & Beverage Industry 

Protect Consumers with Robust Product Safety by Enabling Rapid Methods for Food, Beverage and Hygiene Testing  

Food and beverage safety is paramount in preventing contamination and ensuring consumer trust. FluidPrep technologies expedite pathogen and spoilage organism detection through rapid concentration methods, reducing or eliminating incubation times for same-shift results. From raw ingredients, to beverages, homogenized and finished products and environmental samples, our solutions allow you to bypass or significantly reduce typical culture enrichment times, enabling reliable same-shift results needed to meet industry standards and protect public health. Ensuring the safety of the food supply chain is a complex challenge, but our innovative tools make it easier to detect and mitigate potential risks. 

applications & uses

Scientific Information
“Our findings suggest that the InnovaPrep concentration pipette system is effective for water-based food systems, including process water, vat rinses, food processing-related equipment rinses, produce wash water, and water/buffer-suspended surface/air samples coming out of food processing plants.”
Scientific Information
This poster highlights the Concentrating Pipette's ability to concentrate spoilage organisms from beer and wine with 1000X - 2000x concentration factors. This enables high assay sensitivity for same shift quality results. Demonstrating the ability to reduce time, labor, and costs with the ability to release product in the same day.
Scientific Information

To improve detection methods for hepatitis A and Norovirus on fresh and frozen produce, Scientists employed the Concentrating Pipette (CP) method and compared it with the ISO 15216-1:2017 reference method for food safety testing which enabled detection as few as102 genomes, and gave equivalent results on most food matrices tested, namely strawberry, blackberry, lettuce, and green onion with a 35% time savings. 

what sets us apart

ease of use

Simple, automated process avoids hassle of traditional methods.

streamlined workflow

Simple workflow with consistent, reliable results.

enables same day results

Eliminates need for enrichment when paired with molecular analysis.

We show that the InnovaPrep concentration pipette system should work efficiently for water-based food systems such as process water, vat rinses, food processing-related equipment rinses, produce wash water, and water/buffer-suspended surface/air samples coming out of food processing plants.


Related Products

CP Select™ Concentrating Pipette

Experience the efficiency of the FluidPrep™ Concentrating Pipette System by InnovaPrep, engineered to simplify workflows and boost assay sensitivity. This system is highly effective in recovering microorganisms and particles, including bacteria, parasites, molds, fungal spores, whole cells, viruses, and synthetic particles, from sample volumes between 0.5 mL and 5 L.

The one-pass method uses robust filtration followed by instant sample recovery using InnovaPrep's patented Wet Foam Elution™ process delivering a highly concentrated sample ideal for detection by culture, PCR, sequencing, and more – with unprecedented speed and efficiency. For applications needing rapid, reliable sample concentration, this system provides a faster, simpler alternative to traditional culture enrichment, centrifugation, and ultracentrifugation methods.


  • CP Select Instrument
  • Accessory Kit  -  Includes the Storage Fluid Adapter, Permeate Line, Maintenance Tip
  • One-year manufacturer warranty

Consumable supplies (pictured) and optional accessories sold separately.

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FluidPrep™ EasyElute™ - Large Volume Concentration Kit

The Fluidprep™ EasyElute™ Large Volume Concentration Kit is your solution for efficient sample concentration and immediate recovery from large sample volumes. It is designed to streamline your workflow and enhance assay sensitivity in detecting trace microorganisms and particles from fluid volumes of 5, 10, 100+ L. The one-pass method uses robust filtration followed by instant sample recovery using InnovaPrep's patented Wet Foam Elution process delivering a highly concentrated sample that improves sensitivity for detection by any analysis method - including culture, PCR, and sequencing - with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Whether you're trying to detect viruses, bacteria, parasites, or other biological or synthetic targets, EasyElute™ offers unparalleled ease-of-use and performance.

Kit Includes: 30 kD ultrafilter, elution buffer, with autoclavable tubing and connectors.

Requires a pump for operation.

Options Available

  • Elution Buffer (PBS or Tris) - irradiated
  • Single kit or 10 pack
  • Tubing Set - Standard (untreated) or Autoclaved
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Be Flat™ Degassing Jar

The innovative and patented design of the BeFlat™ Degassing Jar allow for quick and effective removal of dissolved gases from carbonated beverages like beer, soda, and other gasified liquids.  Reduces sample prep time, streamlining laboratory workflows and accelerating data delivery.

Crafted from durable borosilicate glass, this reusable, autoclavable jar with a secure screw cap is both durable and easy to sterilize. The BeFlat Degassing Jar offers a rapid degassing process that prepares liquids in minutes for downstream processing, including concentration with the CPSelect™.


See degassing method 

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Food Spoilage

Download the protocol for concentrating organisms from homogenized foods.

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Beverage Spoilage

Download the protocol for concentrating organisms from beverages.

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