System Features

The CP Select™ when paired with your choice of filtered Pipette Tips and choice of Elution Buffer provides concentration factors beyond competing technologies, exponentially increasing detection of trace microorganisms in just minutes. Its versatility shines in its ability to process a variety of sample matrices and sample volumes. 


Exceptional Concentration Factors:The combination of high recovery efficiency + large sample volume concentration maximizes concentration factors while simultaneously providing a clean buffer exchange.

  • Excellent Recovery Efficiency: High recovery efficiency is achieved using Wet Foam Elution
  • Exponential Concentration:  Variable starting sample volumes, up to 5L, can be concentrated into a single, nominal volume as low as 0.2 mL.

Fast Concentration

  • The large surface area of the filter (98cm2) enables concentration from larger sample volumes than other methods allow.
  • Customizable Run Modes:  12 customizable menu parameters for optimizing performance across different matrices.  
  • Displaces Traditional Methods: Replaces centrifugation, ultracentrifugation, and culture enrichment with a faster and more efficient process.  

Reliable Results

  • Robust System Design:  Single-use consumables eliminate risk of contamination between samples. 
  • Repeatable Results: Simple button press operation ensures consistent results between users for reliable analysis.  
  • User friendly: Standard operating protocols drive reliable consistent results.

Compatible with your Target, Matrix and Downstream Application

  • Targets: The high surface area (98 cm2)of the filtered Pipette Tips combined with the option of four pore sizes (0.45µm, 0.2 µm, 0.05 µm and an ultrafilter) enable capture of virtually any target.
  • Matrix: The  robust filtration  paired with operational menu setting options accommodates concentration from even complex matrices like clinical specimens and turbid samples.  
  • Gentle Buffer Exchange:  Variety of buffers and the gentle concentration process preserves the integrity of concentrated organisms, and are compatible with downstream applications ranging form standard analytical techniques, viability studies, or culture enrichment. 


The Concentrating Pipette System integrates robust filtration and patented Wet Foam Elution™ process, to efficiently release particles into microliter sample volumes with maximum efficiency, delivering a highly concentrated sample ready for immediate analysis.  


Collect your liquid sample in sample container.


Capture particles onto a hollow fiber filter (Concentrating Pipette tip). Then with a button press, the particles are eluted from the filter in just seconds.


The eluted samples pair with both traditional culture or rapid molecular analysis methods, including PCR and next-generation sequencing.

Related Supplies

  • Additional Product Information 


    Consumable Selection Guide



Featured Research

Discover the pervasive impact of InnovaPrep's innovative technologies as they are utilized across diverse research domains, modernizing sample preparation and concentration for unparalleled results.

Featured Applications

Environmental & Disease Monitoring

Tools for concentrating microbes from water, air, and surface samples. Our tools have been validated by our customers for their ability to concentrate known or unknown organisms of interest from relatively large air, surface, or water volumes quickly and easily while enabling more sensitive results using your desired analytical methods. Let us help get your lab up to speed! 

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Product Quality & Safety

Validated by Water, Food, Beverage, and Consumer Product Industry Leaders for Product Quality & Safety. Our concentration tools have been adopted by water utilities, food & beverage packagers & producers, and consumer product industry leaders for their ability to concentrate microbial and particulate contaminants from ingredients, and finished products, as well as streamlining workflows for monitoring the hygiene of air and surfaces in their facilities.  

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Relied upon by the military and government agencies. Protecting our troops, critical infrastructure, and populations, InnovaPrep technology enables rapid CBRN threat detection solutions tailored for the protection from the dangers of CBRN threats

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Life Science Research

Enabling Discovery. InnovaPrep products can help improve the sensitivity of your analytical methods and increase the probability to discover new insights with our simple isolation and concentration tools.  

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Biopharma & Diagnostics

Rapid isolation of cells, exosomes and other cellular components from Patient Specimens. Let our technology streamline your patent specimen sample preparation for pathogen detection or cellular analysis while you concentrate on your game-changing diagnostic or therapeutic innovations. 

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concentration factors 

Calculate the Concentration Factor for your specific application.

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learn about wet foam elution

Learn more about Wet Foam Elution technology. 

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