Environmental and Disease Monitoring

Tools for concentrating microbes from water, air, and surface samples 

InnovaPrep embraces the One Health concept, that public health, animal health, and the health of the environment are inexorably intertwined. Whether you are investigating microbiomes for research investigations or monitoring for diseases through applied testing, you can have confidence that our tools have been validated by our customers for their ability to concentrate known or unknown organisms of interest from relatively large air, surface, or water volumes quickly and easily while enabling more sensitive results using your desired analytical methods. Let us help get your lab up to speed! 

Wastewater-Based Epidemiology

FluidPrep products have been validated and approved for the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) and widely embraced by Public Health Labs, the Concentrating Pipette provides reproducible and reliable results for monitoring viral and bacterial disease threats, including anti-microbial resistant organisms (AMRs) that are crucial for effective public health surveillance.   

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Agriculture - Livestock Animal and Plant Health 

Our sample collection and concentration tools are indispensable for monitoring waterborne and airborne disease threats for your high value production operations. Animals and plants alike need air and water inputs free from disease and require careful monitoring to enable quick mitigation when an outbreak occurs. Protect your valuable products and brand with robust monitoring tools. 

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Environmental Water Quality and Soil

FluidPrep products allow you to concentrate microorganisms such as viruses, phage, bacteria, and parasites as well as microplastics from relatively large volumes faster and easier while providing exponential concentration sensitivity whether classical culture methods, molecular methods such as PCR, as well as sequencing technologies. 

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Air Quality Monitoring

The incredible versatility of the AirPrep samplers allow indoor/outdoor air collection for health and air quality monitoring as well as research applications whether sampling for disease pathogens, allergens, pollutants, or particulates. 

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Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Monitoring  

Safe, rapid. and accurate monitoring is essential to mitigate and prevent the spread of illness.  


InnovaPrep’s FluidPrep and AirPrep bio monitoring tools for in-field and in-lab sample concentration improve the detection of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant organisms, and viral diseases, whether from water-, air-, surface-, or food –borne pathogens. 

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Case Studies

Explore our case studies showcasing InnovaPrep's impactful collaborations, simplifying bio surveillance, and detecting elusive threats.

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Explore research highlights to learn more about how clients use product. 

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