FluidPrep™ EasyElute™ Elution Buffer


Enhanced Particle Recovery and Concentration from Large Sample Volumes


The EasyElute™ Elution Buffer is a critical component of the EasyElute™ Large Volume Concentration Kit, enabling InnovaPrep's proprietary Wet Foam Elution™ process for highly efficient particle recovery. These single-use canisters are essential for achieving maximum recovery, preserving target integrity, and ensuring compatibility with downstream applications.


Our proprietary Wet Foam Elution process optimizes recovery and concentration efficiency, making these buffers ideal for seamless compatibility with downstream applications. Use our selection guide to choose the right buffer for your specific needs and elevate your results with the EasyElute™ System.

Note: Elution Buffer is irradiated and has a min of 90 days shelf-life at time of shipment. 


Do not use with CP Select™, may cause damage.


The FluidPrep™ EasyElute™ Canister Adapter (CC08102) is required for use and sold separately.