FluidPrep™ 100 Micron Mesh Tie-on Filter Bag



The 100 Micron Fabric Mesh Filter Bag is a reliable, easy-to-use prefiltration tool to aid with large volume sample processing. Ideal for use with the FluidPrep EasyElute™ Large Volume Concentration Kit, this durable bag features a convenient cinch tie for secure attachment.

When concentrating large volumes, such as environmental water samples or complex biological suspensions, prefiltration is essential to remove larger debris and particulates that could interfere with downstream processes. By using the 100 Micron Mesh Filter Bag as a prefilter, users can enhance the flow rate and prevent clogging in the EasyElute™ LVC Kit and CP Select™ systems. This ensures a cleaner, more concentrated sample, ultimately improving the recovery of target organisms and particles.