A Mini Meta Study on Surface, Air, Water and Food Metagenomics Workflows

A Mini Meta Study on Surface, Air, Water and Food Metagenomics Workflows

InnovaPrep CEO, Dave Alburty, presented poster entitled "A Mini Meta Study on Surface, Air, Water and Food Metagenomics Workflows" at the 2024 Association of Public Health Labs meeting. The poster highlight data from four published studies on Surface, Air, Water, and Food Metagenomics by researchers from Notre Dame, UC Berkeley, JPL NASA, and the USDA  showcasing diverse applications for the Concentrating Pipette and AirPrep samplers.

1. Air metagenomics collected from open wastewater canals in Bolivia, in a 2021 publication titled,  Detection and Quantification of Enteric Pathogens in Aerosols Near Open Wastewater Canals in Cities with Poor Sanitation, Ginn, et al, Notre Dame

2. Human virus metagenomics from wastewater influent, in a 2024 publication titled, “Evaluation of the impact of concentration and extraction methods on the targeted sequencing of human viruses from wastewater, Minxi Jiang, et al. UC Berkeley

3. Surface metagenomics collected from a spacecraft manufacturing cleanroom in a 2021paper entitled- Microbial Tracking-2, a metagenomics analysis of bacteria and fungi onboard the International Space Station, Urbaniak, etal. NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.

4. Foodborne pathogens from food matrices in a 2022 publication titled, Rapid Detection of Salmonella Enterica in leafy greens by a novel DNA microarray-based PathogenDX system, Patel et. al., USDA

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