
Protocol - Concentrating Pathogens from Raw and Primary Wastewater Using the InnovaPrep® Concentrating Pipette Select™

Concentrating Pipette Select

An automated, rapid micro-particle concentrator for microbiology

EasyElute LVC Kit

Allows concentration of bacteria and viruses from 100+ liters

ACD-200 Bobcat

A lightweight, portable, battery powered, dry filter air sampler with a unique rapid filter elution kit

AirPrep Cub

A new, compact model of the Bobcat. Users can choose from 50, 100, or 200 LPM flowrates.


"Colorado State University has been processing wastewater samples collected from manholes on campus and from treatment plants around the state of Colorado since August 2020. We have run thousands of samples through our Innovaprep concentrator – up to 40 samples a day – generating valuable data which is posted to a public dashboard for the citizens of Colorado to see. The Innovaprep was recommended to us by Hampton Roads Sanitation District, who were among the first to test wastewater for COVID19.  After reviewing other protocols which seemed lengthier and more laborious, we were delighted to have the Innovaprep as an option.  We have been extremely happy with our concentrator – it’s reliable, rapid and easy to use, requires little maintenance and allows us to safely perform all manipulations of wastewater inside a biosafety cabinet, minimizing exposure to pathogens. Even inexperienced lab staff are able to safely and reliably concentrate wastewater using this instrument as it has a very user-friendly interface which guides the user through each step.  We also note that Innovaprep is a reliable supplier – we have never experienced delays due to items being out of stock - and the technical support is outstanding."Carol J Wilusz Ph.D.Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology Director, Program in Cell and Molecular Biology Director, Molecular Quantification CoreColorado State University


“As a customer focusing on WWBE, I would highlight the CP select for the reproducibility of the concentration step, the speed of sample concentration and the overall safety of the operator. With research laboratories often being challenged to handle service-level loads, the CP-select enables quality and rapid turnaround of samples without exposing research staff to wastewater samples.”

Asst. Prof. Cresten Mansfeldt (customer since August 2020; Prof. Mansfeldt does not have any financial interest in Innovaprep).